
"Trine Munk squeaked and cooed her way through a bizarre and brilliant parody of a pained Nordic singer-songwriter."  -Ben Miller (The Argus)

"Trine Munk har med sit meget unikke og innovative comedyshow en evne til at få publikum til at grine, undres og ikke mindst underholdes. Trine er helt sin egen, og hendes show er originalt og nytænkende inden for genren. Hun er sjov, ydmyg og uden tvivl værd at opleve"
- Kristiane, redaktør ved F-frekvensen ved Dansk Kvindesamfund

"So far this year Trine Munk made me laugh the most with her act, I still can't work out why but that's why I love comedy!" -Wrong Comedy.

From the performance " Just call it whatever you want!" by Trine Munk at the Feminist in space- International performance art festival

I my opinion, Trine Munk from Denmark is one of the highlights of the festival. She is working in a fragile field between spoken word, folk music and stand-up. She is clearly a bit nervous about performing in Warehouse 9, but she quickly disarms this by pointing it out. And 'honesty' (nothing like Rasmus Seebach) must be one of the first words that pops into my mind during her performance/stand-up concert.

Her show and songs center around her stay in London where she is on a residency to study stand-up. The songs are about the meeting with the metropolis and with people of a different skin colour, which provides a faceted and quite personal understanding of issues concerning gender and ethnicity. Difficult questions and situations become down-to-earth and everyday-like recognizable in Trine Munk's humorously linguistic universe. At the same time you are simply touched by her longing voice and delicate way of playing the guitar, ie. in the song 'Boom boom - let's go back to my room'
Quote:  Mette Garfield, (MA. in literary and cultural journalism. Editor for the magazine Theatre 1)
English translation.

"Danske Trine Munk er efter min mening et af festivalens højdepunkter. Hun arbejder i et skrøbeligt felt mellem spoken word, folkemusik og stand-up. Hun er tydeligt en smule nervøs ved at optræde i Warehouse 9, men afvæbner det hurtigt ved netop at påpege det. Og ’ærlighed’ (på ingen måde à la Rasmus Seebach) er vist et af de første ord, jeg tænker på under hendes performance/stand-up koncert.

Hendes show og sange har omdrejningspunkt omkring hendes ophold i London, hvor hun er på et residency for at studere stand-up. Sangene handler om mødet med storbyen og mødet med personer med en anden hudfarve, og det giver et facetteret og ret personligt billede af køns- og etnicitets problematikker. De svære spørgsmål og situationer bliver jordnære og hverdagsligt genkendelige i Trines Munks morsomt sproglige univers. Og man bliver samtidig ganske enkelt berørt af hendes længselsfulde stemme og det fine guitar spil fx sangen om ”Boom boom – let’s go back to my room”." 
 Mette Garfield

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